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Friss topikok

Could you pass the 11 plus?

2008.12.25. 17:40 readandlearn

 Could you pass the 11-plus?Thirty-two years after most grammar schools were abolished the 11-plus exam which controlled entry to them still divides opinion among parents and teachers. But how difficult was it? Read the article here on BBC, where you can also try a mini-version of the…

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Címkék: bbc 11 plus szövegértés education angoltanulás exam reading comprehension learning english

most annoying phrases

2008.12.25. 17:38 readandlearn

A top 10 list of the world’s most annoying phrases cited by Bookninja. The original is here. See the comments too. 

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Címkék: szövegértés angoltanulás annoying phrases bookninja reading comprehension learning english

The Unicorn in the Garden

2008.12.25. 17:34 readandlearn

The Unicorn in the Gardenby JAMES THURBER (1894 - 1961)  James Grover Thurber (December 8, 1894 – November 2, 1961) was an American humorist and cartoonist. Read more about him here on wikipedia. You can read the story here. 1. KEY WORDS – PART 1Thurber liked word plays…

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Címkék: play word szövegértés unicorn thurber angoltanulás reading comprehension learning english

The woman with a tiny carbon footprint

2008.12.25. 17:27 readandlearn

Emine Saner The Guardian, Thursday November 13 2008 Forget planes, trains or automobiles - if Joan Pick wants to go anywhere, she runs. And she eats nothing but raw food. Is her lifestyle extreme or the future we must all face up to? Emine Saner meets her. Read the article here. 1. KEY WORDS…

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Címkék: environment guardian szövegértés angoltanulás reading comprehension learning english carbon footprint

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